A photograph of a woman sitting at a desk, intently biting a pencil as she stares at her laptop scrren.

In true inquiry fashion, this week has been all about research. Specifically, I’ve been busy researching various journals and literary magazines to find those that might be up my alley.

A colleague of mine, Maya, suggested I check out Submittable. By selecting “Literary” as my search category, and selecting the “No Fee” filter, submittable offered up four pages worth of results, categorized based on each publication’s submission deadline.

Within twenty minutes, I had already found a half dozen publications that could be good fits for some of my stories. I likely won’t be ready to start submitting my work for another 2-3 weeks; in the meantime, I am excited to dig further into this research.

If you’re on a similar journey to me, then I suggest you check out the video above, which offers some great insights into the process of submitting short creative works to literary magazines. The section from 0:38 to 6:15 offers particularly helpful information as to how to check if a publication might be right for any given creative work.

With this information in my back pocket, I was able to begin listing publications that I am interested in submitting my work to at a later date. The next step, then, will be to create a means of organizing all these publications (and their submission dates/genres) alongside my own revision process, submission efforts, and the responses I receive back.